Saturday, June 15, 2024


So I'm goin' through Lee's old Corollas and I found DOLLY'S MAMMY'S PHILOSOPHY. 

from the September 1, 1916 BIRMINGHAM POST-HERALD


I thought Mammy was cool so I searched for "Dolly's Mammy's Philosophy" & got 233 results. Come to  find out DOLLY'S MAMMY'S PHILOSOPHY was a weekly feature in the Dolly Dalrymple (pen name of Mrs. Orline Arnold Shipman) column that ran on the Women's Page in the Birmingham Post-Herald from 1910 until 1916. 

Last night on my evening hike I decided I was gonna get up this morning, fire up that computer & get deep up off into & amongst some "my mammy", "her mammy", "Scarlet's mammy", etc. 

So I discover Martha Sawyer Gielow & the book MAMMY'S REMINISCENCES

I saw where the illustrations were done by Clara Weaver Parrish

 who designed the Tiffany windows in St. Paul's Selma.,_Alabama)#/media/File:Tiffany_stained_glass_at_St._Paul's_Selma_02.jpg

Christopher and his wife, Carsen, along with Sawyer took me with them to the beach for Memorial Day week.

We went to Inlet Beach and 8 days later the three shark attacks occurred east and west of the public beach where we swam. 

The girl from Mountain Brook who lost her hand and leg was Reverend Emmit Gribben's Great Granddaughter. He was rector of Canterbury when I went to Bama and the old parsonage is named after him.

 I saw that St. Paul's connection and knew you'd be interested in where MAMMY led me.


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