Friday, May 17, 2024

 Brasfield Mound (Lamberth's Mound)

the burial mounds of the Tombigbee river are small and un- 

interesting. In  them  were  flexed  skeletons,  bunched  burials  and 
skulls  buried  alone.  Cremation  was  not  met  with.  Along  the 
river  were  many  large  mounds  of  clay,  probably  erected  as  places 
of  abode  and  of  refuge  in  flood  time.  The  Brasfield  mound  in 
Greene  county  is  a  notable  one,  oblong  in  shape  with  basal  diam- 
eters of  168  feet  and  200  feet.  The  diameters  of  the  summit 
plateau  are  105  feet  and  135  feet.  The  height  is  19  feet.  The 
outlines  of  the  mound  are  as  sharp  as  though  it  v/ere  made  but 

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