Tuesday, July 30, 2024


I just want to be friends. Plus a little extra. Also, I love you.

—Dwight K. Schrute to Angela Martin, "Dunder Mifflin Infinity"



from the June 15, 1904 DAILY OKLAHOMAN (Oklahoma City)


Vesta Viestra Say She Made The Trip On Shooting Star 

from the Minneapolis Journal 

The Cosmological center is stirred in New York by a lady named "Vesta la Viestra cosmologist" who has just returned from the planet Neptune with the recipe for making a poet.

She explained to a delighted audience Sunday how she had made the trip to Neptune in 100 hours in the form of a shooting star. Only one of the audience seemed to doubt any of the statements. He asked that she produce the two Neptuneites that she returned with her to study earth dwellers. Unfortunately for the doubting one, they had been called back to Neptune yesterday afternoon.

 The poet's beverage in Neptune Vesta explained is made up of little pellets of the universal spiritualized substance made of the essence of being which the manipulators dexterously handle with a sort of tweezers. They touch it against an electric bar and instantly fume arise like unto steam. When one breathes this effervescence, one’s entire being is tensioned up until every fibre is taut and the whole body quiver with expectancy. This greatly excites the medulla oblongata and stimulates the sub-lingual glands. Can this be beer? Then Vesta explained how while sitting on Neptune, she had met her "soul mate". Did you ever notice how these people who travel to Neptune and back always have a "soul mate?" It is strange and peculiar but true that when we meet a person who has a "soul mate' our inner being shies violently trembles in every limb, snorts and paws the roadway. Vesta then went on at length to explain how her soul mate had kissed her without being pulled by the Neptunian police for sparking in the park

—and all that kind at stuff Soul mate! Huh!

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