Thursday, October 3, 2024

 VIEW FROM TOP OF THE OLD WATER TOWER (demolished; once stood near the crest of River Hill at the north end of 27th Avenue)


A few evenings ago the GAZETTE scribe worked up energy enough to climb to the top of the water tower and view the city from that dizzy height. The view, from that point, of the city and surrounding country, is lovely in the extreme and beggars description, and the scribe finds words inadequate to express the beauty of the scene that met his gaze on reaching the top of the tower. Just below is the lovely city of Tuskaloosa, with her thousands of beautiful water oak trees that tower their green head above most of the buildings in the city, with here and there a church spire shooting up as it were out of the very midst of them, and the whole resembling very much some vast park with its trees arranged in rows. Across the river the village of Northport comes in for her share of the picture, and one looks down into the bed of the Black Warrior river that runs peacefully between the two towns on its way to the Gulf, where some ruggy shoals interrupt its course. On all sides country seems to gradually rise into hills, forming a basin in the center of which the city is located.

The writer, after feasting his eyes upon the scene for some time, turned to start down the ladder again with a feeling which he imagines akin to that of the poet who penned the lines:

 "Break! break! break! O, ye crags of the restless sea, I would that I could utter the thoughts that arise in me."

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