Saturday, October 5, 2024

 1880 politics

TUSKALOOSA, AUG.. 21, 1870- IXAOTka Radicals . now Bay that the big' war settled nothings : State linos are not objitered j -aud 4t ia" still a disputed question that this is really a Nation. The-next Presidential election is to be fought on the old issue of State Rights ; i.e. "Whether the People and the States are the origin of power or, whether the General Government is a source of in hcrent authority.

The Democratic party for a hundred years have been battling for the doctrine that the Geueral Government has no powers, except such as are. granted to it by the States and tho people. This precludes intervention by the Federal authority in elections for members of Congress, whether by Military Force, by so-called Marshals, ,or that worse and more wicked invention, Supervisors, or Inspectors. All such interferences -is uuwiso, illegitimate and unauthorized by the Constitution, and the very nature of a Republican Government which: is cuaranteed to each and every State.

Military intervention is odious and destructive o b,-erty $ Judicial intervention is corrupting and subversive of Justice, and is a steuoh in the nostrils of every freeman. It says " you may vote,but I will count and decide the result to suit myself." Against this centralized despotism, fellow-democrats let us buckle on our political armor afresh, and meet them at a Bull Run, a Petersburg or a Wilderness. It was in defense of the right of self-government that wo all suffered, and our bravo men fought and died. Battle-scarred our banner may bo, but every wound bas a history. Truth like the buge rock in mid-ocean, "receives tho shock of the tempest, and laughs at the impoten-cy of the billows of falsehood and error which recoils before it.

It 'demands another and a more complete victory, that its enemies may fear and -tremble at the indigaaut voice of the- people, who are the true aud only Sovereigns. Whether our banner be carried by Hendricks or tt.. ..!- v... ri-i , t.,.....i rn !- ... ..ii ......,-! 4.1.1 ii.

jjuuu, tut ua -imj itivuuu me urai old Constitution,, with united hearts ' aud battle for freedom and for right..

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