Sunday, October 6, 2024


Ryland    file:///C:/Users/Kevin128/Downloads/1003577766-WARD-1932.pdf

  THE .OATTfUKTAJ lX4 T.1?rrivr ?! This1 newly fitted up, elegaht tonsb-rial establishment, under tlio person-1 almanagemonrof the famous Dossie' Roberts whose reputatioii is cbnfihv ed by- no pent up Utica" is how in a more flourishing condition than-ever before; and, well it deserves : to be. Dossle; has christened his seductive shaving saloon' most1 appropriately. ' The very name should draw crowds of white folks. ' When every other negro suffragist in; this town couldn't stand the black pressure aiid went bag and baggage oy er to the Radical party, Dossie stood firm ' on Democratic principles, through it all. .

Ho now has with him a new barber from Virginia, - who . is a proficient in the business. 'He used to shave ' Gonerals Lee, Jackson, Stewart and other distinguished rebel officers during the war..

THE ONLY TST7B "Caucasian Barber-Shop P Tho Pkco for White Men to Patronise 1 I HAVE estBhliBhod a BARBER-SIldP vovc?r Mr, VR. II. ifellSij'i Store, adjoining tlie Robins occupied 'as a'Dagiierriaii 5ullory.k I voted the Dcmbefctie Tieket, and. have been out-lawed for it by my race in this corn-atiunity while Domic Roberts, who has hum-ibnggedlho people fof tlircs years, dodged oh Ejection day, stayei from the polls, ana now tries to eiirry'favor with both political parties I look to my white friends for patrpnage', and hope they will give in encouragemcht iu ny hew entetpme. .

s ,; TERMS': Suaying, . .lfi ccn ts -Cutting Hair, i , y .'.35 c Sbiimpooing,,,..-. .4,ao m.m, ShayiugbythoHontli.lj'SO " BlacfmgliootB.,;.... 5 Deo.-tf avilLiam han;.

(We publish tho following M-ithout Comment; taking the liberty of So correcting it as to make it intelligi ble.) -Ttjskaxoosa, Nov. 19, 1870. Mr. Randolph; In the Momitob of the 15th mst. is a paragraph whioh is calculated to reflect npon my loy alty to the Demcormjy.

It is true I did not vote in the election of the &th iust.; mt rt was not bsee I did not wish to votei Jess sa. I fcrft my bsrber-ehop twice eu that day, and proceeded to fee Oourthosse to veto. but the Jollfl were eo rowdod tlt I coukl hoc get near ecugh to cast my vote. Jess .so. I am, what I have always been, a good Democrat awl a friend of those whito felks whose pafe rouage hs aiipported me in this town during the three years, or more,.iu I wnicn a nave resided hci.

rfess so Nothing would insult my dignity & a colored gentleman more than for H to be insinuated that I am a Radical and therefore ive better than 'white carpet-baggers, scalawags aHd cotton-patch niggers. Jess so. ThoHgh the circumstanceB mentioned above prevented me from giving Mr. Lindsay & Go. a M lift w en clectieu-day, my extensive iuttuence was exerted in their behalf, for my aBsistaiit-liar-ber voted the Democratic ticket clean through.

Jess so. As long as the Monitob holds out against the Radicals, so long will I, Desaie Roberta, Proprietor of the " Caucasian barbershop," hold out. Je3 so, Sir. 1 woaldn't sejl my birth-rieht for no mule and forty acros of ground, so long promised by the Rads" no, not ciiougn x nau tne mine so dead sure as to be mounted on his back, or the laud so certain, as to have my shop ouucou ic. joss so.

JL'll stick to de ceut whito-folks till Gabriel toots his trumpet. Jess so. Sir. Please nnb lish this, or if not, place mo right btf- tore tile respectable public. Jess so, Very respectfully, Dossie Roberts..

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