Tuesday, August 20, 2024

  A BUST O JOE BAKER Editor Dothan Eagle: ’A news item appearing in The Montgomery Advertiser Sept 16 inform the public that a bust of Joe Baker Is to be placed in the City Auditorium Did the authorities and the people of Dothan ask why his name should be perpetuated ? What was the answer to the question? Was he of such moral spiritual or intellectual quality that the youth of the present or coming ' generations should take him for a model by which to construct their lives? Was he at any time an inspiration to the youth to emulate that which is true virtuous noble ? What was there in his administration of the city that he should above all his compeers go down to posterity as the one 1 to be honored Was his administration clean and righteous above all others? Was it noted for its observance of law and order? Aren’t there any memories of tbe reign of the insolent blind tiger? Do any remember that neither life nor Property was safe should the possessor cross the path of the tiger? Can some of us obliterate from our memories the constant threat and ready' use of the torch ? Have these questions been asked and considered? onettnr 9 ' CAliO TV VS a Is it just to Mr Baker that the memory of his administration be perpetuated Are there not ' those who kndw that at last he whs caught in toils from which he could not free himself nor dared attempt it? I have reason to believe that Mr Baker would object to the move He had acumen enough to know that children would ask their fathers the meaping of the statue what the character of the soul Incarnate there what noble deed what lofty sentiment it symbolized He knew a statue would perpetuate that question In justice to him and to Dothan I plead that Silence be left to shroud his memory H H McNEILL Prattville Ala Sept 16 1926.

from the September 2, 1909 THE PEOPLE'S LEDGER (Enterprise)

Yes, we want rest, but the liquor men will not let us have it. They are persistent disturbers of the peace. They have refused to be controlled by any law. We will put it in the constitution and make the road of return to the saloon rule as difficult as possible.

That, it seems to us, is the only SAFE and SANE way. 

By Rev. H. H. McNeil Mobile, Ala,.

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