Monday, August 19, 2024

AT DQTHAN 1 WHISKEY Day of Persistent Activity Results in Capture of 127 Bar-reis antT74 Cases of Beer and "Joy Water" SDttlal te The adrtrtlaer. DOTHAN, ALA.. April 11. About 1IT barrel and seventr-four ermtM of liquor and beer, valued at between II. 000 and 11,000 war is tha poaaaaalon of tha police tonlfht.

Tbla la the re ault of a night and day of tha moat persistent raiding ever known In thta city. ' When a dray of lntoxlcanta atopped at PlaaaantvUw at a late hour laat nlrht tha outlay waa aelied by Police Officer 'Pilcher and taken to the police station. Previoua to this, however, Chief of Police - C. J. Rolllna had placed bla men at many of the roada leading Into tha city In order that they might Intercept loada of wblakey which the officers were expecting.

For aome reaaon tbla attempt failed at the time but one of the wagona cam te grief In the eaitern part of town. Beginning early Baturday morning Chief Rolllna Inatructed hi men to raid all auaplcloua places and capture all found on the premises. The In-tructlona were carried out It la aald. Storea wher It la claimed whiskey has been aold were raided but at aeveral of the auapected placea no liquor waa found . Before noon the police raided .

the Elka Club. East Main Street and found about eight caaea of whiikey which waa taken to the nolice atatlon. No arrest hai been made In tbla caae ret. A large amount of wblakey waa also found and aelzed at tha Atlantic Coast Line depot. Findlnar the police station orowdad.

an emnty bouse on North Foster Street waa aecured and tbe liouora removed to thla point pending devaloomants. Out of all the placea raided only two arrests were made charging unlawful storing but it la thought mora arrests will follow. The varloua placeawere raided under authority aald to be vested bv the Webb hill which waa pasaed by the city council aome time ago. Tbe In. atructlona given to Chief Rollins are reported to have come from acting Mayor R.

D. Crawford, who la at the head of the city council In the absence of Mayor Joe Baker. Chief Rolllna aava he haa given In. stnictlons to the inmatea of the red light district to leave town. The Houston County Farmers Co operative Association met today with members of the Chamber of Commerce for the -purpose of promoting interest In trucking and cattle raising.

Bev-eral interesting talka were made and the affair was considered a great success. Effort will no doubt be made to get the farmeri to raise more cat-tie and take- ap the diversification Idea. . . ,v ..


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