Monday, August 26, 2024



Victim Alleged to Have Attempted Criminal Assault on Daughter of Man Killed by Negroes

 Special to The Advertiser. DOTHAN, ALA., Dec. 5.-News reached Dothan today of the lynching of a negro near Haleburg Tuesday night while he was being taken to that place under guard. A mob of enraged citizens took the black from the officers and strung him up to a tree. It is said that 200 shots were fired at the dangling body.

The negro was charged with attempting to assault the daughter of Edgar Killingsworth, who was murdered by negroes last spring. The alleged assailant of the white girl was placed under arrest and jailed at Columbia. He was removed from the Columbia jail and was being taken back when to the mob Haleburg appeared for about incarceration three • miles from the latter town. Quick work was made in the lynching of the negro and his body was left suspended from a limb of a tree overnight. Three negroes were hired to bury the body the next morning.

A bull dog and a negro man were shot by one bullet when Lunse Love, said to have been drinking, discharged a revolver at the dog in a house in Frogtown, a suburb, this morning. The bullet struck the bull pup, seriously injuring him and glanced and struck the floor. The contact with pup and floor divided the bullet and a small part of the lead missle struck a negro man In the nose. He bled profusely. Love was locked up by the_ police.

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