Tuesday, August 6, 2024

 B.B. LEWIS in 1876

Hon. B. B. Lewis has served his district in Congress with distinguished ability. Few members have made more reputation in a first session.

He started the Belknap investigation. He was an active member of the committee which unearthed the frauds in the naval department. On the floor he more than once attracted attention by the clearness of his views and the force of his logic. Many thousand of Alabamians regret that he is not to be a member ol the next house. But he is young and can wait.

The State needs his services, and will again call him to her councils. Perhaps he will be wanted for governor in 1878. Selma Argus. 

Mr. Lewis would do honor to a higher place in the councils of the nation even than the Lower House of Congress, and we hope his State will see proper to employ his services before 1878.

None would make a truer or more able United States Senator than Mr. Lewis. Tuscaloosa Gazette. 

We are glad to copy the above complimentary notices of Hon. B.B. Lewis.

He is a gentleman of marked ability. He is the peer of any in the State, and the State cannot afford long to be deprived of his valuable services. We hope the State will, in a suitable way, avail itself of such talent as is possessed by Mr. Lewis. He is, we believe, suited for any position in the gift of the people.

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