Sunday, August 11, 2024



from the September 6, 1908 BIRMINGHAM POST-HERALD



 Tuscaloosa, September 5.-(Special.)

A find that was made in the excavation for new buildings on the corner of Twenty-second Avenue and Sixth Street may throw some light on the disputed correctness of the present city street lines. The firm of Oliver & Verner has commenced work on a new building at this place and the excavation preparatory to this work yesterday unearthed a slab which indicates the correct corner at this point according to the original survey of the town. This slab has the initials "S. M." on it, which, according to antiquarians, stands for Samuel Maverick, who owned the corner many years ago.

If this slab correctly indicates the true corner, then the present survey has located the street line six inches further west than it should be and three or four inches further north. In several suits that have recently been filled against the city in the matter of laying down sidewalks on what has heretofore been regarded as inside the property lines of the owners, the correctness of the city's survey of the streets and property lines has been put in issue. If this slab can be shown to be authoritative in the matter, it would seem that there is something in the contention referred to.

from the September 5, 1908 TUSCALOOSA NEWS


 While Excavating An Old Government Monument It Uncovered and This Locates the street Corner. 

Messrs C. H. Verner and W. B.Oliver are excavatlng to lay foundations for a large, building to contain six stores on the corner of 6th. St., and 22nd. Ave., (the former Peterson place.) In making excavations the  workmen unearthed an interesting old stone that engineers think was posslbly a stone set by the government to mark the corner of the lot. If this is a government corner, it is a valuable find for its location agrees with the street centers and corners recently established by the city engineers and proves their survey correct. This is a very important find for there have been some who doubted the accuracy of the city's location of the corners. This old stone set by the government should therefore be an important witness, so to speak, in the matter. On the unbedded stone are a couple of letters that look like "S.M." They are thought by the antiquarians who have seen the stone to be the initials of Samuel Maverick, who was the original owner of the lot.


Samuel Maverick Deeded Lot to Son in January 3, 1825-Interesting History of the Mavericks. The discovery of the old stone at the corner of lot 197 (former northwest corner of 22nd Avenue and 6th Street~ present-day Heat Pizza Bar) where Messrs. Verner & Oliver are excavating for their building has created considerable interest. On one side of the stone is the number of the lot, 197, and on the other the letters "S.M." It seems probable that this stone was placed there by Samuel Maverick or the government in 1825, or before. The county records show that he conveyed the lot to his son Samuel Augustus Maverick by a deed dated January 3, 1825, which conveys all of lot designated in the United States plan in the town of Tuscaloosa by number 197. Samuel Maverick came to Tuscaloosa from the Pendleton district of South Carolina. He was a speculator in Tuscaloosa real estate and his name frequently occurs in the early deed books. He afterwards moved to Texas and established a large hotel there and became a large cattle owner.

His name has become immortal in Texas by its use to describe an unbranded cow. All unbranded cattle being termed Mavericks. It is said that this came about through Mr. Maverick's habit of claiming all unbranded cattle as his property. It is said that he has a number of descendants now living in Texas.

Dr. Wyman, who has more information about pioneer people and historic events than anybody else around here is sure that Samuel Maverick placed the stone there. The town of Tuscaloosa was laid out by the government in the spring of 1821. The sale of lots was held in October and on the third day of the sale Maverick purchased this lot. Whether Maverick himself or the government placed the stone, it is pretty sure evidence of where the right corner of the lot is.


Those lying in Tuscaloosa, known on the Platt of the city of Tuscaloosa by the following No's. 11, 13, 14, 15, 22, 81, 101, 102, 103, 44, 179, 180, 175, 149, 150, 218, 213, 190, 191, 340, 341, 342, 343, 415, 416, 417, 418, 425, east half 203 and part of Lot No. 66.


Sam Maverick

I SOUTH CAROLINA. Ui mji.kion, Feb. 9. Interesting.— A handsome bard smooth tone « v found in a swamp, about five miles below Tuscaloosa, on tne Alack Warrior River, in Abama. on an Indian path.

1 he form ot tin* stone i* a flat-sided cone, apparently cut by art, and of great antiquity, measuiing 23 inches across the base, 23 inches in height, and lt> inches thick, on which is the following inscription: IH'iranjiiuHd'i 1232. Two or three ol the letters arc a little injured, the figure* are very plain. 1 ha\e a tac simile for the examination of the curiou*. The stone is deposited in Tuscaloosa. SAM.



OLD 8TONE EXPLAINED. 8amuel Maverick Deeded Lot to Son In January 3, 1825 Interesting History of the Mavericks. The dlMcovery of the old stone at th corner of lot 197 where Mesnr8. Verne.r & Oliver aro excavating for their building has created considerable In terest On one Hide of the stone la the number of the lot. 197, and on the other the letters "8.

M." It seems probable that this stone was placed there by hnmuel Maverick or the government In 1825, or before. The county records show that he conveyed the lot to ills son Samuel Augustus Maverick by a deed dated January 3, 1S25, which conveys all of lot designated in the United States plan In the town of Tuscallosa by number 197. Samuel Maverick came to Tusca- loosa from the Pendleton district of South Carolina. Me was a speculator in Tuscaloosa real estate and his name frequently occurs in the early deed books. He afterwards moved to Texas and establisheu a lareg hotel there and became a large cattle owner.

His name has become immortal in Texas by its use to describe an un-branded cow. All unbranded cattle being termed Mavericks. It is said that this came about through Mr. Maverick's nabit of claiming all unbranded cattle as his property. It is said that he has a number of descendants now living inTexas.

Dr. Wyman, who has more information about pioneer people and historic events than anybody else around here is sure that Samuel Maverick placed the stone there. The town of Tuscaloosa was laid out by the government in the spring of 1821. The sale of lots was held in October and on the third day of the sale .Maverick purchased this lot. Whether Maverick himself or the government placed the stone it is a pretty sure evidence of where the right corner of the ot is..

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